The Kidnapper’s Foil premiered in Monroe, NC on July 25, 1941 at the Center Theatre. Wheeler Smith, owner and operator, sponsored the production. No known copy exists.
Articles found thus far appeared with the following headlines, dates, name of paper:
“Interest in Local Movie Increases”
June 16, 1941 page 4
Monroe Enquirer
“Monroe Children to Act in Movie Filmed Here”
June 20, 1941 page 3
Monroe Journal
Camera-man to be Olan Painter; Sound-man to be Julian Smith – article below
“Monroe Girl ‘Kidnaped’ [s.i.c.] ‘Released’ When Found”
July 21, 1941 page 1
Monroe Enquirer
This article has a list of those who were in the cast – 56 names
“Local Movie Will Be Shown Here Friday”
July 24, 1941 page 1
Monroe Enquirer
Courtesy of Patricia Poland, Union County Public Library